Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Judge Blocks Day Labor Rules in Arizona Immigration Law -

Judge Blocks Day Labor Rules in Arizona Immigration Law -

Spanish Village, in Debt, Relies on Volunteers -

Spanish Village, in Debt, Relies on Volunteers -

Ohio Offers Chance for a Santorum Rebound -

Ohio Offers Chance for a Santorum Rebound -

The Geography of Government Benefits - Interactive Map -

The Geography of Government Benefits - Interactive Map -

A New Obama Cinema? by J. Hoberman | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

A New Obama Cinema? by J. Hoberman | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

My Secret by Charles Simic | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

My Secret by Charles Simic | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books:

We’re More Unequal Than You Think by Andrew Hacker | The New York Review of Books

We’re More Unequal Than You Think by Andrew Hacker | The New York Review of Books

The Chinese Are Coming! by Richard Bernstein | The New York Review of Books

The Chinese Are Coming! by Richard Bernstein | The New York Review of Books

Un correo filtrado por Wikileaks dice que a Chávez le quedan dos años de vida | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Un correo filtrado por Wikileaks dice que a Chávez le quedan dos años de vida | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

y 5. Castigo colectivo | Internacional | EL PAÍS

y 5. Castigo colectivo | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

4. La medicina, arma de guerra | Internacional | EL PAÍS

4. La medicina, arma de guerra | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

3. Una revolución civil | Internacional | EL PAÍS

3. Una revolución civil | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

2. Con los desertores | Internacional | EL PAÍS

2. Con los desertores | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

1. La zona intermedia | Internacional | EL PAÍS

1. La zona intermedia | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

Senadores de EEUU presentan una resolución que respalda un ataque a Irán | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Senadores de EEUU presentan una resolución que respalda un ataque a Irán | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

Un correo filtrado por Wikileaks dice que a Chávez le quedan dos años de vida | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Un correo filtrado por Wikileaks dice que a Chávez le quedan dos años de vida | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

Las primarias hunden la moral del Partido Republicano | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Las primarias hunden la moral del Partido Republicano | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

El Ejército sirio inicia el asalto final contra Homs, el feudo de la revuelta | Internacional | EL PAÍS

El Ejército sirio inicia el asalto final contra Homs, el feudo de la revuelta | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

Santorum’s Arrested Development by Garry Wills | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Santorum’s Arrested Development by Garry Wills | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books:

The Writer’s Job by Tim Parks | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

The Writer’s Job by Tim Parks | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Why the Global Warming Skeptics Are Wrong by William D. Nordhaus | The New York Review of Books

Why the Global Warming Skeptics Are Wrong by William D. Nordhaus | The New York Review of Books

MisEducation Nation: Corporate Media and Corporate Education Reform

Watch the video

MisEducation Nation: Corporate Media and Corporate Education Reform:


FAIR Blog:
Publish Post

James Mays Toy Stories

You HAVE to watch this. Especially the Lego, Airfix and Meccano episodes

James Mays Toy Stories:

Hawaii Still No. 1 in Wellbeing, West Virginia Stuck in Last

Hawaii Still No. 1 in Wellbeing, West Virginia Stuck in Last:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Shut Up, Little Man! The audio misadventures of Peter and Raymond

Shut Up, Little Man! The audio misadventures of Peter and Raymond

Sobre las elecciones francesas

Sobre wikileaks

ABC's Iran Propaganda

ABC's Iran Propaganda:

Natural Gas and the News

Natural Gas and the News:

What's Wrong With the News?

Before reading the news:

What's Wrong With the News?:

The Persecution of Judge Garzon » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Persecution of Judge Garzon » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Customer Reviews: The Virtue of Selfishness (Signet)

Most of these one-star reviews reflect my position on Rand's Virtue of Selfishness Customer Reviews: The Virtue of Selfishness (Signet)

The Abandonment of the Barrio » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Abandonment of the Barrio » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Lying for the Cause? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Lying for the Cause? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Jon O'Brien on contraception controversy, Richard Rothstein on segregation study

Jon O'Brien on contraception controversy, Richard Rothstein on segregation study:

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Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up':

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Gallup.Com World News - Worldwide Leadership, Economic, Well-Being, Behavioral Economic Data

Check out the global mood with Gallup data:

Gallup.Com World News - Worldwide Leadership, Economic, Well-Being, Behavioral Economic Data:

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Presidential Job Approval Center

Presidential Job Approval Center:

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The Coming Jobs War

The Coming Jobs War:

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Election 2012 Polling and News, Republican Presidential Candidates, Obama, Interactive Polling Data

Election 2012 Polling and News, Republican Presidential Candidates, Obama, Interactive Polling Data:

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Obama's Favorable Rating Higher Than GOP Candidates'

Obama's Favorable Rating Higher Than GOP Candidates':

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George Washington University Battleground Poll -

George Washington University Battleground Poll -

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BBC News - Viewpoint: Has 'one species' idea been put to bed?

BBC News - Viewpoint: Has 'one species' idea been put to bed?:

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BBC News - DNA reveals Neanderthal extinction clues

BBC News - DNA reveals Neanderthal extinction clues:

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« Photography at the Crossroads » by Berenice Abbott ◊ Jeu de Paume / le magazine

« Photography at the Crossroads » by Berenice Abbott ◊ Jeu de Paume / le magazine:

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Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), photographies | Jeu de Paume

Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), photographies | Jeu de Paume:

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Making Sense of Wallace Stevens (With Help From Some Experts) -

Making Sense of Wallace Stevens (With Help From Some Experts) -

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Innovation and the Bell Labs Miracle -

Innovation and the Bell Labs Miracle -

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‘Manet, the Man Who Invented Modernity,’ Paris Exhibition - Review -

‘Manet, the Man Who Invented Modernity,’ Paris Exhibition - Review -

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A Map of American Slavery - Interactive Feature -

A Map of American Slavery - Interactive Feature -

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Disunion: Inside Walt Whitman’s Notebook

Disunion: Inside Walt Whitman’s Notebook:

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Regulating Our Sugar Habit -

Regulating Our Sugar Habit -

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Santorum and Romney Make Last-Minute Appeals to Michigan -

Santorum and Romney Make Last-Minute Appeals to Michigan -

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The Global Intelligence Files - Labor Day Review of Where We Are

The Global Intelligence Files - Labor Day Review of Where We Are:

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The Global Intelligence Files - List of Releases

The Global Intelligence Files - List of Releases:

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The Global Intelligence Files - List of Releases

The Global Intelligence Files - List of Releases:

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WikiLeaks publishes 5 mn emails from thinktank Stratfor

WikiLeaks publishes 5 mn emails from thinktank Stratfor:

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El Supremo considera que Garzón erró, pero no prevaricó, y lo absuelve | Política | EL PAÍS

El Supremo considera que Garzón erró, pero no prevaricó, y lo absuelve | Política | EL PAÍS:

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Las víctimas: "El Supremo nos ha hecho perder mucho tiempo" | Política | EL PAÍS

Las víctimas: "El Supremo nos ha hecho perder mucho tiempo" | Política | EL PAÍS:

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sin pensamiento crítico | Cultura | EL PAÍS

Sin pensamiento crítico | Cultura | EL PAÍS:

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“Ahora hay una generación entera sin futuro, es un crimen” | Cultura | EL PAÍS

“Ahora hay una generación entera sin futuro, es un crimen” | Cultura | EL PAÍS:

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Noticias sobre El Bosco | EL PAÍS

Noticias sobre El Bosco | EL PAÍS:

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“El español está estigmatizado y contaminado en Estados Unidos” | Cultura | EL PAÍS

“El español está estigmatizado y contaminado en Estados Unidos” | Cultura | EL PAÍS:

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Los gestores culturales debaten sobre la penuria | País Vasco | EL PAÍS

Los gestores culturales debaten sobre la penuria | País Vasco | EL PAÍS:

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“El euro fue una trampa para pobres” | Internacional | EL PAÍS

“El euro fue una trampa para pobres” | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

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Rick Santorum amenaza el liderazgo de Mitt Romney | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Rick Santorum amenaza el liderazgo de Mitt Romney | Internacional | EL PAÍS:

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El irresistible amor por la desigualdad | Opinión | EL PAÍS

El irresistible amor por la desigualdad | Opinión | EL PAÍS:

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Save the Euro by George Soros | The New York Review of Books

How to Save the Euro by George Soros | The New York Review of Books:

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'Bully' Problems: The MPAA Gives A Scarlet 'R' To A Thoughtful Documentary : Monkey See : NPR

'Bully' Problems: The MPAA Gives A Scarlet 'R' To A Thoughtful Documentary : Monkey See : NPR:

'via Blog this' Lincoln Über Alles: Dictatorship Comes to America (9781589806924): John Avery Emison: Books Lincoln Über Alles: Dictatorship Comes to America (9781589806924): John Avery Emison: Books:

'via Blog this' Lincoln's Marxists (9781589809055): Al Benson Jr., Walter Kennedy: Books Lincoln's Marxists (9781589809055): Al Benson Jr., Walter Kennedy: Books

News Desk: Where’s George? : The New Yorker

News Desk: Where’s George? : The New Yorker

The Front Row: Virginia Woolf, Critic : The New Yorker

The Front Row: Virginia Woolf, Critic : The New Yorker

Barack Obama, Republicans, and the Campaign for the Middle Class : The New Yorker

Barack Obama, Republicans, and the Campaign for the Middle Class : The New Yorker

Comment: Senator Santorum’s Planet : The New Yorker

Comment: Senator Santorum’s Planet : The New Yorker

Culture Desk: Video: A Silent Critique of “The Artist” : The New Yorker

Culture Desk: Video: A Silent Critique of “The Artist” : The New Yorker

Just links

to articles or book descriptions of things I am reading. Check some of them out. 

The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science - and Reality | Truthout

The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science - and Reality | Truthout